しかし、昔から、海外の先進技術の導入に積極的であった西陣では、文明開化のチャンスにいち早く呼応。人材をフランスなどに 派遣し、ジャカード織物などの技術を取り入れて、近代化に成功したのです。大正や昭和にいたって、高級絹織物の大衆化を進めると同時に、伝統的な手織技術の高度化や図案・デザインの洗練にも努め、わが国の高級織物業の代名詞としての地位を確かなものとしたのです。
History of Nishijin
The roots of Kyoto Nishijin weaving go back some 1,200 years to the founding of Heian-kyo, modeto manage the production of textiles for court nobles, and employed weavers to produce luxury fabrics. By the middle of the Heian Period(794-1192), however, these state-owned textile operations were on the decline, and more and more weavers were choosing to set up independent workshops. New weaving techniques were arriving from Sung Dynasty China at this time, which the Nishijin weavers were quick to absorb.
With the Onin War of the Muromachi Period (1338-1573), Nishijin weaving suffered a major setback. In 1467, almost all of Kyoto, including the homes and workshops of the weavers, was destroyed. Ten years of civil war followed. The weavers fled the devastated city and took shelter in Sakai in southern Osaka Prefecture. When the conflict finally ended, the weavers returned to Kyoto to resume their craft. One group of artisans settled on the site where the western army of Yamana Sozen had been camped during the war. This is the origin of the name ‘Nishijin,’ which means’ west position.’
By the early Edo Period (1603 to 1867) in the 17th century, there were some7,000 looms crammed into an ara of 1.6 square kilometers.Crowds of merchants gathered daily at the auction house, frequently bidding up prices to astronomical levels.Toward the end of the Edo Period, Japan suffered a succession of disastrous harvests, leading to a sharp decline in the demand for luxury fabrics. And when Japan’s capital was moved from Kyoto to Tokyo in 1869, Nishijin weaving seemed threatened with extinction.
Observers were sent to Europe to study the textile industry there, and advanced Western weaving technology and equipment were introduced. By the 1890′s, only 20years after the shift of the capital, the Nishijin weavers had fully adapted modern technology to their ancient art, and the industry began to grow again, along with Japan’s new capitalist economy.